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LEGO - Biometric Testing Setup

Digital Concept Development Project

"How can children, who are playing video games, be tested without the testing setup interfering with their play?"

The purpose for the project was to help out LEGO to get inspired, how they can change their testing setup for children by using biometrics. The group and I has been using a variation of secondary research methods, to obtain the most useful data that we needed.

Download the full project report here

Sketching & Inspiration

The goal of sketching is functional and it is about generating ideas, solving problems and communicating your ideas efficiently to others. The quality of the sketches are not important but what is important is if the sketch conveys your message. We sketched out most of our ideas in the very beginning of the project, and used it aswell to visualize the different idea generation methods that the group and I have been using. The main inspiration for our concept came from the EEG head gear called Necomimi.
Read more about the head gear here.

Faketype & Usability Testing

We chose to combine a headset, which is common in the world of videogames, together with the EEG head gear from the biometric research. The reason behind this combination is to make the EEG technology feel as a part of the headset and to decrease the disturbance and annoyance of using the EEG head gear. By doing this, the testing also feels more natural in the gaming environment which helps the test person to feel more relaxed and be focused on the gaming.

In this situation, the group is using a “fake type”. A fake type is when you kind of fake the prototype in the matter of not having a full working prototype. This particular project only needs to simulate the feeling of using a headset with EEG incorporated. The group has created sketches and designed some concept drawing of the headset itself, and created this is faketype by using the headsets detacheable microfon as the neuro-censor.